Basically, I'm looking for a Beta Reader to edit and make any suggestions for one of my novels I'm currently working on called City of the Ferrets. The first thirteen chapters are roughly completed but am going back to rewrite some parts of chapter one. I also might even provide both versions of the same chapter to see which parts work and which doesn't.
The main criteria as far as what I'm looking for in a Beta reader is someone with enough experience in editing and critiquing other people's work. As well as have some patience with me as I've already completed 13 chapters, plus two more after chapter 14. At this time, I'm projecting around 17 to 18 chapters total for the book. Right now I'm struggling to rewrite chapter 14 and may end up splitting it into two. So if I'm taking longer than expected, that means I'm busy with my personal life, mostly school, or am on writer's block until I can come up with a new idea that works for the story and finish the chapter. Lastly, have to have good writing skills, in other words good grammar, spelling, and punctuation. No netspeak, improper grammar, or anything of that nature.
With those few things in mind and if you think you have what it takes as a Beta Reader, either send me a private message or email me at Please do so soon as I want to get this, and potentially another future project, off the ground. For a little more information, go to my journal link I've provided at the top.